Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fall Colors Are Almost Here

A couple of weeks of cool weather and leaves started to turn color. In one or two weeks, we'll be able to see foliage in Bear Mountain again. I'll keep an eye on that in Instagram.

Grand Slope.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


We never forget.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Found Picture

I found this picture somewhere. It was taken on a company dinner at Trattoria Belvedere a couple of years back. I hope we get to bring spouse again to this years Christmas dinner. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Statue of Liberty

We went to Statue of Liberty on September 6. That must be the hottest day of the whole summer. Temperature at about 97 or 100. It was so humid that Manhattan looked hazy from afar. The trip was worth it though. The kids love the boat rides. And they got to ride the boat three times.

These statues are right by the pier where we check in.

Freedom Tower and Manhattan skyline from the statue cruise.

The Statue of Liberty

A voyeur up-skirt view of our freedom lady :-)