Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Testshooting with my new 55-200mm Lens.

I ordered a Nikkor 55-200mm Lens from B&H last Thursday. They shipped it free and I received it on Friday. That's a nice free overnight shipping, although it might be because they're in New York. I tracked the package in UPS site and it showed it shipped from Maspeth. If I had it shipped to my house, maybe I would get it within an hour :-)

It was nice weekend. All of a sudden the temp is in the 80s. So I decided to take Rina out for a testshoot. The lens perform well. It looked better than 18-55mm lens from the viewfinder already. The pictures did not disappoint me.

In Elmhurst Park near the railway track, there were quite a lot of birds gathering in the shades. I can get quite close to then. I need to bring a tripod to shoot them well. The lens I got doesn't have VR feature.

20140510 Robin 1

20140510 Robin 3

20140510 Starling

20140510 tulip