Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fall Colors Are Almost Here

A couple of weeks of cool weather and leaves started to turn color. In one or two weeks, we'll be able to see foliage in Bear Mountain again. I'll keep an eye on that in Instagram.

Grand Slope.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


We never forget.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Found Picture

I found this picture somewhere. It was taken on a company dinner at Trattoria Belvedere a couple of years back. I hope we get to bring spouse again to this years Christmas dinner. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Statue of Liberty

We went to Statue of Liberty on September 6. That must be the hottest day of the whole summer. Temperature at about 97 or 100. It was so humid that Manhattan looked hazy from afar. The trip was worth it though. The kids love the boat rides. And they got to ride the boat three times.

These statues are right by the pier where we check in.

Freedom Tower and Manhattan skyline from the statue cruise.

The Statue of Liberty

A voyeur up-skirt view of our freedom lady :-)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lots of Baby Animals in Bronx Zoo

We visited Bronx Zoo over the weekend. There are lions cubs, baby giraffe, and snow leopard cubs. We didn't see snow leopard cubs because my babies were tired and wanted to go home.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Montauk Point

It's been a few years since last time we visited Montauk Point. The traffic was still a bitch, maybe worse. The view is still nice. Less pebbles I think. I'm not sure about that.



Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Testshooting with my new 55-200mm Lens.

I ordered a Nikkor 55-200mm Lens from B&H last Thursday. They shipped it free and I received it on Friday. That's a nice free overnight shipping, although it might be because they're in New York. I tracked the package in UPS site and it showed it shipped from Maspeth. If I had it shipped to my house, maybe I would get it within an hour :-)

It was nice weekend. All of a sudden the temp is in the 80s. So I decided to take Rina out for a testshoot. The lens perform well. It looked better than 18-55mm lens from the viewfinder already. The pictures did not disappoint me.

In Elmhurst Park near the railway track, there were quite a lot of birds gathering in the shades. I can get quite close to then. I need to bring a tripod to shoot them well. The lens I got doesn't have VR feature.

20140510 Robin 1

20140510 Robin 3

20140510 Starling

20140510 tulip